• You're invited to register for free access to the Āki Wellbeing Hub. 

    By filling in and submitting this form* we'll be able to give you a Member number to access. We will email you the number and the registration link to the portal to get you started.  This may take  up to 5 working days.

    The Member number will give you access to Āki but is not a request or a confirmation of membership to MAS. If you'd like to learn more about membership, please visit mas.co.nz  

    If you have any questions or would like to check on the progress of your registration, please email events@mas.co.nz.

    The MAS team


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  • Would you like to receive communications from MAS in the future?

  • I have read and accept the terms and conditions

  • I have read and accept the MAS' Privacy Statement

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